Living Waters

‘He that believeth in me…out of him shall flow’ – John7:38

Have you ever imagine being stranded in the desert alone? No food, no water, no shelter, no one…

And at that moment you begin to feel that God has forsaken you, that he has left you alone…to die… but then his soothing word comes to remind us that when our faith is planted in his word he’ll never leave us, nor forsake us.

Just like a river, that never runs dry, that’s what God is to us. He is our river of living waters. He flows from within. We just have to trust him. Trust his timing. Trust his planning.

So my sisters. Don’t look for those living waters in a bottle. Cry out to your Heavenly Father. Quench your thirst in our Lord. Let him flow from within. He is the living waters.

#livingwaters #purpose driven #missionarywoman

The Song Inside of Me

I was recently reading a book entitled ‘Unveiling The Mystery Called Woman’ by Sonia Johnson, and she so eloquently eluded that Woman is Heaven’s Symphony, it’s balanced, it’s melodic sound.

We have the joy of the Lord inside of us. He longs to hear our songs of cries. He longs to hear every key of pain, every harmony of hurt, and rhythm of frustration from deep down.

I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O LORD, I will make music. – Pslams 101:1

Be proud my sister! Of that special sound and song within you. Sing your praises unto the Lord. Shout it out! Let your songs be heard in the heavenly courts.

#iamcalledwoman #purposedriven #missionarywoman #womanisheaven’sbalance

I Will Wait On You

Sometimes life seems like it’s just going too slow for us. We feel as though we should be further in life. If you are like me and had a vision of your life by a certain time and now its nowhere near your expectations. Disappointment, frustration, failure, and the list goes on becomes our new resting place.

But God says to BE STILL.. be still..

Pslams 27:14

Wait for the Lord;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the Lord

Hearing those words was the most comforting feeling I have had in a long time! Our father loves us so much… He is asking us to trust him and not our own time frame. He does not want us to fall victim to what the world or society says, hold onto his words. Rest in his yes and amen! Yes, sisters, we can do it. Be still and wait on the lord. Rest in theĀ LordĀ and wait patiently on Him;
Just as the bride waits on her groom

Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.

#Iamcalledwoman #missionarywoman #purposedriven #bestill #waitonthelord

Don’t be a Slave

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. – Galatians 5:1

God sent his son Jesus Christ to free us from the horrors of sin. Sisters! We are FREE! Do not allow your circumstances to place you back into a mental, physical, or emotional prison. We are freedom warriors! Stand firm on the great name of Jesus Christ, shout your victory sound. All chains are broken!

#missionarywoman #purposedriven #Iamcalledwoman

Stepping Out in Faith

It’s funny how we only step into our purpose when we are at our breaking point. God keeps pushing us towards our purpose, yet we keep holding back or delaying because we are afraid. God in his word states “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalms 91:1

So yes sisters in Christ. Step out in faith! But make sure you remain under his covering.
