Sometimes life seems like it’s just going too slow for us. We feel as though we should be further in life. If you are like me and had a vision of your life by a certain time and now its nowhere near your expectations. Disappointment, frustration, failure, and the list goes on becomes our new resting place.
But God says to BE STILL.. be still..
Pslams 27:14
Wait for the Lord;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the Lord
Hearing those words was the most comforting feeling I have had in a long time! Our father loves us so much… He is asking us to trust him and not our own time frame. He does not want us to fall victim to what the world or society says, hold onto his words. Rest in his yes and amen! Yes, sisters, we can do it. Be still and wait on the lord. Rest in theĀ LordĀ and wait patiently on Him;
Just as the bride waits on her groom
Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.
#Iamcalledwoman #missionarywoman #purposedriven #bestill #waitonthelord