‘He that believeth in me…out of him shall flow’ – John7:38
Have you ever imagine being stranded in the desert alone? No food, no water, no shelter, no one…
And at that moment you begin to feel that God has forsaken you, that he has left you alone…to die… but then his soothing word comes to remind us that when our faith is planted in his word he’ll never leave us, nor forsake us.
Just like a river, that never runs dry, that’s what God is to us. He is our river of living waters. He flows from within. We just have to trust him. Trust his timing. Trust his planning.
So my sisters. Don’t look for those living waters in a bottle. Cry out to your Heavenly Father. Quench your thirst in our Lord. Let him flow from within. He is the living waters.
#livingwaters #purpose driven #missionarywoman